Our Values

Hobeca Values


Be Straight Up – We’re honest, trustworthy and we act with integrity

Mahi Tahi - We pitch in. We’re better together. We keep our promises and we’re optimistic.

Easy to Deal With - We’re easy to deal with and we listen to our customers.

100 Year View - We care about our people and the environment. We focus on a 100-year view.


A Message from Robb

At Hobeca we set ourselves stretch goals, which encourage our team to find ways to provide higher levels of service, in more product categories, supporting more customers. We recognise that the key to reaching these goals is by delivering value to our customers. Therefore, we encourage you to share your experiences (good or bad) to help us improve and continually deliver a better experience. Feel free to email me or anyone in our team with your thoughts, ideas or comments.

Robb Huskinson 